Last updated: 08 Jan 2025
Graph of Science
iKNiTO RES can show 2D and 3D graphical views of activities of an author. The graph is fully interactive and can be viewed from different angles and by various filters. Thus, giving a 360 degree view of a researcher’s activities and in a wider context.
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Customized Reports
Generate reports based on your requirement. We currently support the following reports:
Top Fields by Country, Top Organizations by Field, Publications by Field, Publications by Author, Publications by Organization, Top Countries by Field, Publications by Country
Artificial Intelligence
iKNiTO RES uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Deep Learning. NLP forms the heart of our recommender. It works on language detection, text pre-processing, summarization and keyword extraction, document classification, and text similarity. However, what makes the recommender very unique is its Deep Learning process. It continuously tracks your published papers, your search activities, likes and bookmarks, and even your co-authors’ activities. As a result it is able to give very useful and credible recommendation which become more efficient as the recommender learns from your reactions.
Still Not Convinced?
KNiTO RES needs big and clean data to be trained on. This is the most important element for its success. We have currently trained iKNiTO REC by a portion of data in MAG and it is magic! MAG is updated regularly. At a point in time it had information about almost 260,000,000 papers, over 270,000,000 authors, over 700,000 topics or subjects, more than 4,500 conferences, over 49,000 journals, and more than 27,000 institutions. While information about internationally published works are more readily available, there is less availability when local languages and articles published in a country are examined. Our Meta Data Extractor is able to read those documents in image or PDF formats, recognize their various parts and extract their metadata to add to your graph of science and learn from them. iKNiTO RES is a project which requires collaboration of owners of big data. They include:
Publishers and developers of open and large scale catalog of scholarly publications, and more, Major publishers of A&I databases and Web Scale Discovery (WSD) engines, National or regional authorities in charge of country wide or large sale research and knowledge development.
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Created At
08 Jan 2025